'Do what you love and do it often'.
For me it is easier to do this more fully when my environment inspires me and allows the things I love to be nurtured and valued. In my studio the light from the garden is so inspiring. I am lucky to look out on to my own unkempt wildnerness!
and from this space has emerged...
a small water colour study of the beautiful miss pooch...
I think I have captured some of her character. She has such a warm glow-I wanted to do her justice.
and the beginning of underpainting for a small portrait study.
I have not decided how far I will take this one... sometimes I like what I find during the process and I don't feel the need to 'finish' it.
Thanks for listening x
Miss Katy, you are a very talented lady. This picture is my favourite and agree that it should never be finished.